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CYW Statement: Black Lives Matter

The past few weeks have been emotional: the video of George Floyd’s death shook the world and the subsequent protests and activism have caused nearly every person in society to reflect on the role that they wish to play in improving racial justice in the future.

Conservative Young Women is proud of modern British society: we feel lucky to live in this diverse, liberal democracy that values freedom and equal opportunity for all. Sadly, whilst there is much to be grateful for in Britain, we are cognisant of the historic and current inequalities that face our BAME communities

Racism is a real and dangerous problem: it plays a significant role in creating poverty and other societal issues here in the UK. Racism in all forms in unacceptable.

We can all play our part in combatting racism. Too often it creeps into conversation between friends or family and is dismissed as “banter”. Too many workplaces allow covert or even open racism to thrive and don’t support colleagues who speak out. Too frequently, people feel embarrassed to call out racism and become complicit: excusing someone who makes racist remarks as “old school” or “out dated” rather than confronting despicable discrimination. Racism must be forcefully challenged wherever we find it: we need to have courage and have tough conversations. We also need to pursue policies of equality and compassion.

Our society has caused many black and ethnic minority people to feel that, in the eyes of others, their lives matter less. We must take every possible step to show that black lives matter - that no one’s life matters less because they are part of an ethnic minority. Minorities contribute so much to our country and need to be better represented in government. Conservative Young Women will continue to work to encourage more diverse groups of people to join our party and to rise through its ranks. Please join us on this mission. This statement is on behalf of the CYW Leadership Committee.

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