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  • Writer's pictureAlexandra Marsanu

CYW Welcomes the Autumn Budget

Conservative Young Women welcomes the Chancellor’s announcement, made during the Autumn Statement, to increase the national living wage by 9.8% to £11.44, support housebuilding, and cut taxes for working people. These measures will be especially helpful for young people across the country.

Increasing the national living wage will provide much-needed relief to those on low incomes, many of whom are young people struggling to make ends meet. It is especially welcome that the National Living Wage has been extended to everyone over 21.

Supporting housebuilding is also a vital step towards addressing the current housing crisis, which has made it increasingly difficult for young people to get onto the property ladder.

Finally, cutting National Insurance by 2% will provide a much-needed boost to the economy and allow working people to keep more of their money.

Overall, we believe that these measures will have a positive impact on young people across the country, and we welcome the Government's commitment to supporting the next generation.

We look forward to seeing these policies implemented and the positive impact they will have on our communities.

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